La France et le Canada
— Theirs is a story of enduring friendship./ C—est l—histoire d—une longe amiti—. —
France and Canada share a long history. Theirs is a story of enduring friendship.
It began 400 years ago, in Nova Scotia, the birthplace of Acadie, with the arrival of the first French settlers and of Samuel de Champlain at Port-Royal in 1605.
Halifax had its first contact with France at the beginning of the 18th century. In 1711, the French engineer Delabat drew fortification plans for Chebucto Bay (present day Halifax harbour).
In autumn of 1746, the Duc D?Anville led an ill-fated expeditionary force to reclaim Acadie. Battered by severe storms, the fleet limped into Chebucto harbour and set up camp. D?Anville died shortly after while many of his men succumbed to fever and disease. Raging seas, unfavorable winds and disease ultimately doomed the mission.
A century later, in 1855, commander de Belv?ze, on board the light frigate
La Capricieuse put in at Halifax harbour on his way to Quebec City. He was sent by Emperor Napoleon III to mend relations with Canada.
In times of war, France and Canada remained staunch allies. France will never forget the thousands who gave their lives for its freedom at the battles of Beaumont-Hamel (1916), Vimy (1917), Dieppe and the beaches of Normandy (1942-1944). Nor will it ever forget the thousands of victims of the Halifax explosion on December 6, 1917.
During the Second World War, Halifax citizens raised funds to put Surcouf House at the disposal of Free France. It was from Halifax that Admiral Muselier set sail for Saint- Pierre and Miquelon to take possession of the Archipelago in the name of Free France.
From June 8 to 15, 2005, the maritime group composed of the aircraft carrier,
Charles de Gaulle, the frigate,
Jean Bart, the frigate,
Tourville, the attack submarine,
Rubis and the supply ship,
Meuse called in Halifax on its first trip to Canada along with the British destroyer,
Unveiled for the occasion, this plaque bears testimony to the deep and enduring friendship that unites France and Canada.
La France et la Canada partagent une longue historie. C?est l?histoire d?une longue amiti?.
En Nouvelle-?cosse berceau de l?Acadie, elle a commenc? il y a 400 ans avec l?arriv?e de premiers Fran?ais, et de Champlain ? Port-Royal en 1605.
Halifax a des liens avec la France depuis le d?but du XVIII?me si?cle. En 1711, l?ing?nieur Delabat avait dress? un plan de fortifications pour la baie de Chibouctou. A l?automne 1746, l?escadre du Duc d?Anville, partie de France pour reprendre l?Acadie, y ?tablit son campement. Le Duc d?Anville y mourut et les fi?vres emport?rent nombre de ses hommes. Le vents et la maladie firent ?chouer l?entreprise.
Un si?cle plus tard, en 1855, le commandant de Belv?ze faisait une escale ? Halifax ? bord de la corvette ?La Capriecieuse? avant de se rendre ? Qu?bec. L?Empereur Napoleon III lui avait confi? la mission de r?tablir les relations avec le Canada.
Dans l?adversit?, l?amiti? franco-canadienne ne s?est pas d?mentie. La France n?oubliera jamais les milliers de combattants de Beaumont-Hamel (1916), de Vimy (1917), de Dieppe et des plages de Normandie (1942-1944), tomb pour lue rendre sa libert?. Elle n?oublie pas les victimes de la terrible explosion du 6 d?cembre 1917.
Pendant la deuxi?me guerre mondiale, la Maison Surcouf f?t offerte ? la France Libre par une souscription des citoyens de la ville. C?est d?Halifax que l?amiral Muselier partit prendre possession, au nom de la France Libre, de l?archipel de Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon.
Due 8 au 13 juin 2005, le groupe a?ronaval compos? du porte-avions ?Charles de Gaulle?, de la fr?gate ?Jean Bart?, de la fr?gate ?Tourville?, du sous-marin d?attaque ?Rubis? et du p?trolier-ravitailleur ?Meuse?, a effectu? ? Halifax son premier d?placement au Canada avec le destroyer britannique ?Nottingham?.
Inaugur?e ? l?occasion de cette escale, cette plaque porte t?moignage de l?amiti? ancienne et solide qui unit la France et la Canada.
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